I wish I could tell you horror stories about sleep deprivation, unfortunately it just hasn’t happened. I think someone upstairs made a mistake. God didn’t send us a baby, he sent us a little Dalai Lama. He is as calm and peaceful as the wise man himself, and more than that inspires calm and peace in his own parents. What baby does that?!
The Dalai Lama himself
I’m sure the war stories will come in time.
I can tell you though, very proudly, that in my first week with Luc, I have changed somewhere between 30 and 40 diapers (I had to let Tati change at least a few, as she was starting to get jealous), been peed on once, and pooped on twice!! And I loved every minute of all of it. I am definitely obsessed with Luc!
Oh yes, and I did let my back hairs grow in …