Well, you boys are not buying into this blog yet, but I will stick my guns and try to represent you as frequently as I can in hopes that I can draw you out. Our old friend Skogs has evolved into quite a naturalist, with a scope of amazing photographs that includes birds that I have to look up in my Sibley guide, a gift from the Schlueps. His photographs are perfectly composed portraits of single subjects (mostly), backgrounds expertly clipped to allow us to appreciate the setting without distracting from the bird, or canid.
Periodically, I'll get an e-mail from Mike on something in my general area of work, gleaned from an environmental list serve that he subscribes to or just from his own research. I'm really impressed. In fact, and this really isn't only directed at Skogs, I'm incredibly impressed with all my old friends and amazed that we are still in touch. As Schluep pointed out, our seminal years together (emphasis on semen) were half a lifetime ago. Somehow, with all of our divergent paths, we've found each other again. I truly value this connection.
So, this is my appeal. Please get off your frickin' lazy arses and post something! Do it for Skogs, who was not very pleased with my erroneous link between him and the EPA toxics inventory.
Thanks, Pete, for the warm words and the recant on the toxic dumping accusations. You of course know that I only dump toxic waste under an assumed name.
Yours in Global Destruction,
Skogs, just drove down I80, passing one trash truck after another with NJ plates. I'd like to think that they were part of your retribution, but they'll be running long after our feud is over.
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