Schluep, Skogs and Macho descended upon Pennsylvania Furnace, fly gear in tow. Four novices fished the little Juniata, waving nymphs and the occasional dry fly. Skogs lost his leader to a brute of a brown, while Schluep claimed to have landed at least one, remarkable in that it occurred while out of sight of the group. Mostly, the going was slow and Macho resorted to sitting in the stream in lotus position to channel away his negative energy. Trains running along the gorge broke the idyll, but, to a man, it was a good day.
Sunday morning found Schluep raising all at 6:30. He was able to recruit Skogs and myself to join him at Penns Creek. We had much of the creek to ourselves for the first few hours. Beautiful water, and beautiful fish. Macho, content to do the dishes and load software onto Kelly's computer (that's not a euphemism), was unflappable in his Teflon happiness. It seemed we had just found our groove as a group when we parted ways. Some kind of repeat is definitely in order. Shalom.
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Now WE have one. How about posting that short story you wrote way back when of taking a plunge into the Black River?
I'm in, I'm in...
Guess there were no exciting photos of naptime or crapping in the woods. Perhaps next time...
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